رئيس التحرير

“Al Kamilah the miracle filly” by Christopher A. Salvador : example of Neorealism. Review by Film Critic Count Federico Wardal

الأربعاء 03-07-2024 09:43


by :Count Federico Wardal

“Al Kamilah the miracle filly” by Christopher A. Salvador : example of Neorealism. Review by Film Critic Count Federico Wardal The desert wind crossed by the race of a horse, the broken spine of a filly, a life that is about to transform into premature death, the urgency of a journey that counts the seconds: here is “Al Kamilah the miracle filly”. The skilful dosage of each image of the archival footage and interviews, because they are carefully and cinematically chosen and combined , set in a perfect narrative, communicates to the viewer the overwhelming intensity of the true story of Al-Kamilah which is now a legend throughout the world. The progress of the narration of the docu film illustrates reality, even exceeding, at times, the limits of cinematographic language. Contributing to this, thanks to the editing and direction, are the short sequences of Angela Alioto’s testimony, which translate into the docu film, in a cinematic interpretation undoubtedly worthy of the best film award.

Angela Alioto’s pain, love and hope emerge from the screen with the power of a volcanic explosion that reaches straight to everyone’s hearts, but no less do this than the interventions of Gian-Paolo Veronese, Angela Alioto’s son, through his few words, supported by a powerful language of face and gestures, as well as the testimony of Fabio Giotta. In short, this docu film is a continuous competition between cinematographic language and reality, in an irresistible escalation. As in the best films of Neorealism, by the masters Rossellini, Lizzani, De Sica… the actors are often ordinary people and in Rossellini’s masterpiece: “Rome, open city” we see Anna Magnani who surpasses herself, expressing the desperation of ordinary people. In “Al Kamilah the miracle filly” there is an Angela Alioto, real in her burning pain, who “translated” from the screen, reaches the viewer, no less than Anna Magnani, in the most famous and unforgettable parts of her.

But Christopher Salvador, of Italian origin, has neorealism within himself and Angela Alioto is even of Sicilian origin, the warm ancient land of intense emotions and land of the most ancient form of tragedy par excellence: the “Greek tragedy” with Aeschylus, Sophocles , Euripides . Alioto transfers the powerful Sicilian maternal love into the filly Al-Kamilah in danger of life and, at the risk of everything, fights against any type of obstacle and saves her. And how can it not come to mind, at this point, Anna Magnani in “ Rome , open city ” running desperately towards her husband to save him from death, at the cost of her own life? In the documentary film, I repeat, the fast wind of the Arabian and Egyptian desert is underlined, where Kamilah comes from through her pedigree, associated with the race of the horse that plows through the wind and the tragedy of the broken spine of the filly Al-Kamilah. The authors of the script, the narration of the super star Joe Mantegna, the direction of Christopher A. Salvador and the testimony of Angela Alioto, who breaks the screen with her expressive power, make the docu film a precious event. The story itself is an act of courage and love, within science and something beyond the science , to save a life. I warn viewers of the documentary film to prepare for genuine unforgettable emotions.


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